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Please note: We encourage you to read, download, and share the following articles about Reiki. Please be sure
that the written material and the ideas are credited to the authors of the articles, Rahel, or others.

Articles About Reiki by Rahel
How Reiki Works

How, in fact, does Reiki work? Actually, it does not "work". When we receive this Reiki energy, we can use the energy to heal ourselves. It would be a good idea to read this material before joining our Reiki courses or coming to receive Reiki treatments.
Please ask about anything that may not be clear.
Reiki is for Everyone and Cannot Cause Harm

The most important characteristic of Reiki is that we can treat ourselves, and not be dependent on a professional practitioner. Moreover, unlike massage or reflexology, for example, there are no contraindications to receiving Reiki, ever. Reiki treatments seem to be so simple that it is difficult to imagine how powerful they can be. But do not be deceived: with the right nutritional program and a lot of Reiki, we may be able to heal ourselves of nearly anything, including cancer. In any case, some Reiki is always better than no Reiki - get as much as you can!
What you will learn in Rahel's first degree Traditional Reiki Course, and how your life might change after the course.

Receiving Reiki Treatments

Before you start to receive Reiki treatments, please read this information, and also the "How Reiki Works." Please ask about anything that may not be clear. You might also want to read the article called "Metaphor for Healing" that describes another way to understand this process (both articles are in the list on the left).
Metaphor for Healing

Receiving Reiki energy gives us the power to heal ourselves. How we do that seems quite mysterious. This metaphor may help you to understand.
Why do I do Reiki?

I have many professions. I have given them all up in order to concentrate on Reiki. Here, I explain how Reiki is more important to me than anything else.
On Feeling Good when the Sky is Falling

Many people believe that it is not appropriate for us to feel good when everything around us seems catastrophic. We tend to concentrate on our own suffering and RAGE. I suggest that if each of us can feel good, it will affect our surroundings so that the world will become a better place. Working with Reiki is a good way to do this.
Good Energy? Bad Energy? Just Energy

Reiki energy is pure, neutral energy, neither good nor bad. It does not do anything. It does not GO anywhere. However, when we get it, our (wise) subconscious minds can bring the energy to where ever we need it, and use it for healing. We all need more.
Letter from Rahel to a Skeptic about Reiki

Many people insist that they will not try Reiki until it is scientifically explained and proven, by double blind experiments, to work. Sometimes, they are encouraged when they hear that I myself came from a scientific background: my father was a nuclear physicist, my mother was a chemist, I was trained in molecular genetics.
This is a letter that I wrote to someone who was very ill, but was so skeptical that he refused to try Reiki, even though nothing else was helping him.
Reiki for Birthing Mothers

Reiki is good for everyone, but it is especially good for pregnant women. When a pregnant woman receives a Reiki initiation, her baby is initiated too, and is born with Reiki hands! Reiki can improve the whole journey of pregnancy and birth: everything seems easier. Best is for the mother's partner to learn Reiki too, to support her during the birth, and to give Reiki to her and to the baby afterwards.
Turning a Breech Baby with Reiki

Natural, vaginal births are best. In the last stages of pregnancy, if the baby is positioned sideways (breech) in the womb instead of head down, there is a real possibility that a vaginal birth will not be possible. Most expectant mothers want to avoid birthing by Caesarean Section. Some say that Accupuncture will help to move the baby into the correct position. This is the story of my successful effort to do that using Reiki.
Reiki For Allergies

Allergies have become more and more common, and more and more disabling. The conventional treatments for allergies are medications to relieve the allergic symptoms, or allergy shots, given to trick the body into no longer being allergic to a specific allergen. This is part of the story of how Rahel healed herself so that she became no longer allergic (and no longer needed any medications).

Reiki for Arthritis

Arthritis is an inflammatory condition resulting from the accumulation of toxins in the body. Rheumatic Arthritis is also an auto-immune disease. When the body is not able to remove the toxins completely, and especially when negative emotions and stress are involved, we can suffer from arthritis. This is the story of how an elderly woman avoided two knee replacement surgeries by filling up with Reiki.
Reiki and Fatigue

The combination of Reiki, sufficient sleep, and a good nutritional program can solve nearly any problematic situation, including extreme exhaustion at every level.
Healing With Reiki When Doctors Could Not Cure: Vered's Story

Vered was a little girl who suddenly became very ill. No one could figure out what was wrong, and three kinds of antibiotics did not help. The combined efforts of about ten doctors, during four clinic and hospital visits, led to the recommendation that she must be treated with Cortisone. Her mother refused, and brought her to me for Reiki treatments. This is an example of the power of Reiki. It also illustrates the amazing power of our inner selves and bodies to heal, if we can just get enough energy to do that.
Healing With Reiki When Doctors Could Not Manage Pain: Ateret's Story

Ateret (not her real name), a 40 year old mother of three daughters, had undergone five open spine surgeries in six years. The last surgery left her with scar tissue pressing on a nerve, causing her constant, unbearable pain. She became a legal drug addict. Further surgery was not an option because of the risk that she would become paraplegic. The medical establishment offered her more drugs to "manage her pain." With Reiki treatments, she was able to heal so that she no longer needed any medication.
Thoughts on Reiki and Religion
For some people, the idea of receiving Reiki challenges their belief that God will heal them: and if they are not healed, then that is God's will. I like the saying "God helps those who help themselves." Reiki gives us a way to do that. I have met many religious people who are desperate for the help that Reiki can offer, but fear it. In seeking a way to calm their fears, I was grateful to learn about a book by Epperly and Epperly that connects working with Reiki to Christian theology. I think that the ideas that they express in their book will also speak to very religious people of other faiths. Religious Jews will be glad to hear that Rav Shlomo Aviner, from Beit El, has informed me that Reiki, at all levels of practice, and if practiced purely, as I teach it, and not as a "CULT", is permitted for all observant Jews.